Gift yourself or someone you love a wellness treatment today.
Our therapeutic bodywork will alleviate stress, improve circulation, relieve sore muscles and balance your body's energy. Restorative bodywork can complement your practice, while individual appointments provide privacy and focus on you.
Ready to book? View the wellness calendar and schedule now!
- Reiki Treatments
Research shows that Reiki works better-than-placebo to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.
Wondering what goes on in a session?
Reiki is done by "laying-on hands". It is a healing modality where one or more Reiki practitioners channel energy to another person (who remains fully clothed during the treatment session).
Reiki is a complementary method of healing. It should not be used to replace traditional medicine. Reiki works on energy blockages and imbalances (the sources of dis-ease) to support overall healing and well-being.
60 minute Reiki $90
Five 60 minute Reiki Package $405 Seifukujutsu Massage
Reset your body with a restorative massage.
Seifukujutsu is a 1500 year-old healing system based in Chinese Medicine that utilizes therapeutic bodywork and energetic exchange to aid patients in “returning to normal.” Students of the Danzan Arts begin the study of this system by learning the “Long-Life” restoration bodywork kata. This unique deep-tissue style is a mindful practice.
30-minute Seifukujutsu $45
60-minute Seifukujutsu $80
Five 30 minute Seifukujutsu Package $215
Five 60 minute Seifukujutsu Package $375Wellness Passes
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